A Story of Hope from One of “Those People”

My name is Carla Copley and I am someone that lived most of her adult life as an addict. I hadn’t always been someone that was selfish, self-centered, and living in a fantasy world. You see, I was raised right here in Fort Gay WV, by the most loving, understanding parents that anyone could ever […]

Karen’s Place Maternity Center Opens

Karen’s Place Maternity Center, a residential drug and alcohol treatment center for pregnant women, announced it is accepting new clients today. The sixteen (16) bed center will provide opioid detoxification, stabilization, and residential treatment services for women with substance use disorders, and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Karen’s Place Maternity […]

Sanibel House Opens for Residential Addiction Treatment

Sanibel House, a residential drug and alcohol treatment center for men, announced it is accepting new clients today. The sixteen (16) bed center will provide opioid detoxification, stabilization, and residential treatment services for men suffering from substance use disorders, and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sanibel House is owned and […]

Lydia’s House Opens for Residential Addiction Treatment

Lydia’s House, a residential drug and alcohol treatment center for women, announced it is accepting new clients today. The sixteen (16) bed center will provide opioid detoxification, stabilization, and residential treatment services for women suffering from substance use disorders, and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Lydia’s House is operated by […]

A letter to my former self suffering from addiction — Kristi’s story

Dear Me, You are receiving this letter from yourself, just an older and much wiser version of yourself. Yes, put your pride down and just read, child. I am about to tell you a story about our life. I promise you this is worth reading. You will succeed. You will strive to reach your full […]

Addiction — a mental and physical problem with a spiritual solution

Like most adolescents, I craved a sense of identity. From the outside looking in, you would have thought I had it all: two great parents, a stable home life, made good grades, played basketball, won Mr. Senior, etc., but there was an emptiness, a void, that I could never fill. I was always an exemplary […]

God’s grace provides a rehab bed for Megan and her baby

My name is Megan McGlothen. In 2011 I was beaten and broken. I knew if I didn’t do something different and stop using drugs, then I was going to blow my brains out. I checked myself into rehab and during my second month there I found out I was pregnant. The rehab told me I […]

From IV drug user to recovery and an abundant life: Vanessa’s story

What I am about to tell you is a true story, but in many ways it seems unbelievable. Matter of fact, without God, it would have been completely impossible! I grew up as a normal little girl, kind of chubby, and rather outgoing and funny. As a chubby kid, I made people laugh so they […]

From addiction to a life restored

Loretta Smith's story

My name is Loretta Smith. I grew up in Inez, Kentucky and was the younger of two kids. I had what I considered a normal childhood even though both sides of my family had alcoholism in them. My only brother and I were raised in a two parent home and we were always loved by […]

Former drug addict now counseling others

Jason Jones of Morehead, a former drug addict and now a counselor at Addiction Recovery Care (ARC), presented recently at the 2015 conference of the Kentucky Counseling Association (KCA) in Louisville. His presentation was titled, “Introducing Abstinent Members into Suboxone Counseling Groups.” Considering that only eight years ago Jones was in treatment for his own […]