Addiction Recovery Care leadership values our relationships in all communities it serves. Look no further than Montgomery County as to how treatment providers and community leaders can work hand in hand to make a major impact.
Recently, ARC Lead Liaison Aisian Lucas accepted the 2022 Outstanding Treatment Partner Award presented by the Recovery Montgomery County Organization at its first-ever community BBQ. Leaders created the organization to help people seeking treatment services in the county.
“I am truly honored to get the opportunity to be a small part in something so great. To get the chance to help others that are struggling in addiction, like I once was, is one of the greatest gifts of recovery,” said Lucas. “Building relationships, making connections in communities are vital, and ARC makes those things so much easier. All of those connections, along with ARC involved, makes one beautiful picture of being able to help someone change their life and walk in destiny.”

Lucas works with people in Recovery Montgomery County’s office to help assess the needs of someone dealing with a substance use disorder. ARC then provides them with inpatient or outpatient services. In addition to Recovery Montgomery County, Addiction Recovery Care has existing relationships with Mountain Comprehensive Care, Spark Ministries, and the reentry program.